Anger Management: Fight the workplace fury


Workplace anger is not only potentially harmful to the organization, but it can also cause serious health problems in yourself. According to studies, the most common root causes of these problems are pent up frustration, irritation, nervousness, anger, and disappointment.
工作场所的愤怒不仅对组织有潜在的危害,而且还可能导致您自己的严重健康问题。 根据研究,这些问题最常见的根本原因是沮丧,烦躁,紧张,愤怒和失望。

Here are some tips to help you calm your nerves in bad situations.

1.We know your instincts might be telling you to shout and lash out on the subject of your anger, but that’s not smart. Take long, deep breaths to calm your nerves. It may not take all of your stress away, but it gives you enough time to clear your head and avoid possible confrontations.
我们知道您的直觉可能会告诉您要对自己的愤怒大喊大叫,但这并不明智。 深呼吸,以平息您的神经。 它可能无法消除你的所有压力,但它给你足够的时间来清理头脑并避免可能的冲突。

2.If you often find your blood boiling under pressure, think of a way for you to vent out your anger. Some people go for runs, write down their feelings, play instrument, heck they even go punching bean bags. Release negative feelings without taking it out on your teammates.
如果您经常发现血液在压力下沸腾,请考虑一种消除愤怒的方法。 有些人跑来跑去,写下自己的感情,弹奏乐器,甚至他们甚至都在冲沙袋。 释放负面情绪,而不会影响您的队友。

3.Take all your negative thoughts, put them into a mental ball and push it away till you can no longer see them. Sure, we sound like an entry level yoga class but it works! Take a few minutes to meditate while you are feeling the rage build up. Avoid revisiting the issue in your mind, and don’t hold grudges against anyone. Letting anxiety consume you is unhealthy and will hinder you from becoming the best version of you both in real life and at work.
吸收所有负面想法,将它们放入心理球,然后将其推开,直到您不再看到它们为止。 当然,我们听起来像是入门级的瑜伽课,但确实有效! 当您感到愤怒积聚时,请花几分钟进行冥想。 避免重新考虑这个问题,也不要怀恨任何人。 让焦虑消磨您的身体是不健康的,并且会阻碍您成为现实生活和工作中最好的自己。

4.If your anger is impacting your career and job prospects, approach your employer and ask for assistance. Some companies offer therapy as a part of their Employee Assistance Programme. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and probably costs less than firing you and hiring another employee. Or, look for a mentor in the office (or outside it) who can offer some guidance.
如果您的愤怒影响到您的职业和工作前景,请与您的雇主联系并寻求帮助。 一些公司将治疗作为其员工援助计划的一部分。 没什么可耻的,而且可能比解雇您和雇用另一名员工的花费还少。 或者,在办公室(或办公室外)寻找可以提供一些指导的导师。

5.Despite all your troubling thoughts, try to find your happy place. We all go through stress at work, and dealing with it is often a matter of perspective, or addressing the root of the issues. Instead of sulking and cursing the world, think positively and act to make things better.
尽管您有种种烦恼的想法,请尝试找到自己快乐的地方。 我们每个人都在工作中承受压力,而处理压力通常只是一个观点问题,或者是解决问题的根源。 不要生闷气和咒骂这个世界,而是要积极思考并采取行动使事情变得更好。



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